
Draw of the painting Survol des Jardins de Métis

October 2ndcarte postale lum


To participate

Post-card size reproductions of the painting, curently exposed at ERE 132, are sold at the Eco Home and at the Garden Shop. Each card entitles to a draw ticket. Proceeds from the draw are dedicated to the Conservation Fund created by Les Amis des Jardins de Métis to sustain the Mitis River park.


5 $ / One card – ticket 

10$ / 3 cards – tickets


During the Earth Day celebrations held at the Reford Gardens last April 23rd, local artist Caroline Jacques produced this painting live. She graciously offered it to the Gardens in order to contribute to raise funds in aid of the Mitis River Regional Park project. The characteristics and biodiversity of the Reford Gardens and the Mitis River Park served as Caroline’s inspiration for this piece.

The Mitis River Regional Park is a conservation, touristic and recreational project in the development phase. It would cover a 347 square km territory, from the mouth of the Mitis River (including the MItis River Bay, the Reford Gardens as well as the Mitis River Park) up to Métis Lakes.

Discover Caroline Jacques
